
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

10 Tweets on Recent IP Scholarship

For blog readers who aren't on Twitter, here are 10 recent Tweets on IP-related scholarship that caught my eye. As I transition from clerking back to full-time academia, I'm debating the extent to which I will go back to writing longer posts about recent articles; feel free to email me ( with comments.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Top 32 Experienced IP Scholars by (m)-index

After Dan Burk calculated the top IP scholars by h-index using Scholarometer, several scholars suggested to him that it would be interesting to normalize the results by seniority (because the h-index has a known seniority bias). Some bibliometricians have done this by using the m-index: the h-index over the years since the first publication. Because many legal scholars publish an early law review note well before beginning their academic careers in earnest, Burk decided to use a modified m-index: the h-index over the years in full-time law teaching.