Michael Risch is a Professor of Law at Villanova University. His scholarship has included work on patentable subject matter, utility, written description, NPEs, and patent licensing markets, and he has been cited twice by the U.S. Supreme Court. Risch received his A.B. from Stanford and his J.D. from Chicago Law, and he was a partner at IP boutique Russo & Hale prior to entering academia. Follow him at @ProfRisch.
Camilla Hrdy is an Associate Professor at Rutgers Law School. She was previously Professor of Intellectual Property Law at University of Akron School of Law. She specializes in Intellectual Property Law, Trade Secret Law,Trademark Law, Patent Law, Contract Law, and Civil Procedure. Her articles have appeared in law reviews such as Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, and many more. All her articles can be accessed on SSRN. She holds a B.A. from Harvard University, an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge, and a J.D. from Berkeley Law.
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