(A description of the methodology used to construct these lists follows the tables.)
Intellectual Property (All) (2005-2009)
Intellectual Property (All) (2010-2014)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 106 | Sichelman, Ted | Commercializing Patents [article] | 62 Stan. L. Rev. 341 (2010) |
2 | 96 | Lemley, Mark A.; Risch, Michael; Sichelman, Ted; Wagner, R. Polk | Life after Bilski [article] | 63 Stan. L. Rev. 1315 (2011) |
3 | 90 | Chien, Collen V.; Lemley, Mark A. | Patent Holdup, the ITC, and the Public Interest [article] | 98 Cornell L. Rev. 1 (2012) |
4 | 86 | Chien, Colleen V. | From Arms Race to Marketplace: The Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System [article] | 62 Hastings L.J. 297 (2010) |
5 | 76 | Lemley, Mark A.; McKenna, Mark | Irrelevant Confusion [article] | 62 Stan. L. Rev. 413 (2010) |
6 | 75 | Lemley, Mark A. | Myth of the Sole Inventor, The [article] | 110 Mich. L. Rev. 709 (2012) |
7 | 74 | Allison, John R.; Lemley, Mark A.; Walker, Joshua | Patent Quality and Settlement among Repeat Patent Litigants [article] | 99 Geo. L.J. 677 (2011) |
8 | 72 | Beebe, Barton | Intellectual Property Law and the Sumptuary Code [article] | 123 Harv. L. Rev. 809 (2010) |
9 | 71 | Golden, John M. | Principles for Patent Remedies [article] | 88 Tex. L. Rev. 505 (2010) |
10 | 70 | Tushnet, Rebecca | Worth a Thousand Words: The Images of Copyright [article] | 125 Harv. L. Rev. 683 (2012) |
11 | 69 | Lee, Peter | Patent Law and the Two Cultures [article] | 120 Yale L. J. 2 (2010) |
12 | 66 | Abramowicz, Michael; Duffy, John F. | Inducement Standard of Patentability, The [article] | 120 Yale L. J. 1590 (2011) |
13 | 64 | Lemley, Mark A.; Melamed, Douglas A. | Missing the Forest for the Trolls [article] | 113 Colum. L. Rev. 2117 (2013) |
14 | 62 | Madison, Michael J.; Frischmann, Brett M.; Strandburg, Katherine J. | Constructing Commons in the Cultural Environment [article] | 95 Cornell L. Rev. 657 (2010) |
15 | 61 | Risch, Michael | Patent Troll Myths [article] | 42 Seton Hall L. Rev. 457 (2012) |
16 | 60 | Perzanowski, Aaron; Schultz, Jason | Digital Exhaustion [article] | 58 UCLA L. Rev. 889 (2011) |
17 | 58 | Netanel, Neil Weinstock | Making Sense of Fair Use [article] | 15 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 715 (2011) |
18 | 57 | Epstein, Richard A. | Disintegration of Intellectual Property - A Classical Liberal Response to a Premature Obituary, The [article] | 62 Stan. L. Rev. 455 (2010) |
18 | 57 | Nard, Craig Allen | Legal Forms and the Common Law of Patents [article] | 90 B.U. L. Rev. 51 (2010) |
20 | 56 | Bridy, Annemarie | Coding Creativity: Copyright and the Artificially Intelligent Author [article] | 2012 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2012) |
21 | 55 | Gergen, Mark P.; Golden, John M.; Smith, Henry E | Supreme Court's Accidental Revolution - The Test for Permanent Injunctions, The [article] | 112 Colum. L. Rev. 203 (2012) |
21 | 55 | Samuelson, Pamela | Copyright Principles Project: Directions for Reform, The [article] | 25 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1175 (2010) |
21 | 55 | Litman, Jessica | Real Copyright Reform [article] | 96 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (2010) |
24 | 54 | Bessen, James; Meurer, Michael J. | Direct Costs from NPE Disputes, The [comments] | 99 Cornell L. Rev. 387 (2014) |
25 | 53 | Pallante, Maria A. | Next Great Copyright Act, The [article] | 36 Colum. J.L. & Arts 315 (2013) |
Copyright (2005-2009)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 181 | Raustiala, Kal; Sprigman, Christopher | Piracy and Paradox: Innovation and Intellectual Property in Fashion Design, The [article] | 92 Va. L. Rev. 1687 (2006) |
2 | 176 | Beebe, Barton | Empirical Study of U.S. Copyright Fair Use Opinions, 1978-2005, An [article] | 156 U. Pa. L. Rev. 549 (2008) |
3 | 144 | Samuelson, Pamela | Unbundling Fair Uses [article] | 77 Fordham L. Rev. 2537 (2009) |
4 | 111 | Samuelson, Pamela; Wheatland, Tara | Statutory Damages in Copyright Law: A Remedy in Need of Reform [article] | 51 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 439 (2009) |
5 | 103 | Balganesh, Shyamkrishna | Foreseeability and Copyright Incentives [article] | 122 Harv. L. Rev. 1569 (2009) |
6 | 102 | Litman, Jessica | Lawful Personal Use [article] | 85 Tex. L. Rev. 1871 (2007) |
7 | 99 | Cohen, Julie E. | Creativity and Culture in Copyright Theory [article] | 40 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1151 (2007) |
8 | 98 | Cohen, Julie E. | Place of the User in Copyright Law, The [contents] | 74 Fordham L. Rev. 347 (2005) |
8 | 98 | Urban, Jennifer M.; Quilter, Laura | Efficient Process or Chilling Effects - Takedown Notices under Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act [comments] | 22 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 621 (2006) |
10 | 94 | Carroll, Michael W. | Fixing Fair Use [article] | 85 N.C. L. Rev. 1087 (2007) |
11 | 87 | Van Houweling, Molly Shaffer | Distributive Values in Copyright [article] | 83 Tex L. Rev. 1535 (2005) |
12 | 83 | Arewa, Olufunmilayo B. | From J.C. Bach to Hip Hop: Musical Borrowing, Copyright and Cultural Context [article] | 84 N.C. L. Rev. 547 (2006) |
13 | 82 | Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal | Inspiration and Innovation: The Intrinsic Dimension of the Artistic Soul [article] | 81 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1945 (2006) |
14 | 81 | Parchomovsky, Gideon; Goldman, Kevin A. | Fair Use Harbors [comments] | 93 Va. L. Rev. 1483 (2007) |
14 | 81 | Hemphill, C. Scott; Suk, Jeannie | Law, Culture, and Economics of Fashion, The [article] | 61 Stan. L. Rev. 1147 (2009) |
14 | 81 | Van Houweling, Molly Shaffer | New Servitudes, The [article] | 96 Geo. L.J. 885 (2008) |
17 | 80 | Oliar, Dotan; Sprigman, Christopher | There's No Free Laugh (Anymore): The Emergence of Intellectual Property Norms and the Transformation of Stand-Up Comedy [article] | 94 Va. L. Rev. 1787 (2008) |
18 | 75 | Elkin-Koren, Niva | What Contracts Cannot Do: The Limits of Private Ordering in Facilitating a Creative Commons [comments] | 74 Fordham L. Rev. 375 (2005) |
19 | 72 | Lee, Edward | Warming up to User-Generated Content [article] | 2008 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1459 (2008) |
20 | 71 | Tehranian, John | Infringement Nation: Copyright Reform and the Law/Norm Gap [comments] | 2007 Utah L. Rev. 537 (2007) |
20 | 71 | Tushnet, Rebecca | Economies of Desire: Fair Use and Marketplace Assumption [article] | 51 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 513 (2009) |
Copyright (2010-2014)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 70 | Tushnet, Rebecca | Worth a Thousand Words: The Images of Copyright [article] | 125 Harv. L. Rev. 683 (2012) |
2 | 60 | Perzanowski, Aaron; Schultz, Jason | Digital Exhaustion [article] | 58 UCLA L. Rev. 889 (2011) |
3 | 58 | Netanel, Neil Weinstock | Making Sense of Fair Use [article] | 15 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 715 (2011) |
4 | 56 | Bridy, Annemarie | Coding Creativity: Copyright and the Artificially Intelligent Author [article] | 2012 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2012) |
5 | 55 | Samuelson, Pamela | Copyright Principles Project: Directions for Reform, The [article] | 25 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1175 (2010) |
5 | 55 | Litman, Jessica | Real Copyright Reform [article] | 96 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (2010) |
7 | 53 | Pallante, Maria A. | Next Great Copyright Act, The [article] | 36 Colum. J.L. & Arts 315 (2013) |
8 | 51 | Yu, Peter K. | Graduated Response, The [article] | 62 Fla. L. Rev. 1373 (2010) |
9 | 43 | Seltzer, Wendy | Free Speech Unmoored in Copyright's Safe Harbor: Chilling Effects of the DMCA on the First Amendment [article] | 24 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 171 (2010) |
10 | 38 | Bridy, Annemarie | Graduated Response and the Turn to Private Ordering in Online Copyright Enforcement [article] | 89 Or. L. Rev. 81 (2010) |
10 | 38 | Buccafusco, Christopher; Sprigman, Christopher Jon | Creativity Effect, The [article] | 78 U. Chi. L. Rev. 31 (2011) |
10 | 38 | Sag, Matthew | Predicting Fair Use [article] | 73 Ohio St. L.J. 47 (2012) |
10 | 38 | Zimmerman, Diane Leenheer | Copyrights as Incentives: Did We Just Imagine That [article] | 12 Theoretical Inq. L. 29 (2011) |
14 | 37 | Bridy, Annemarie | Is Online Copyright Enforcement Scalable [article] | 13 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 695 (2011) |
15 | 35 | Rothman, Jennifer E. | Liberating Copyright: Thinking beyond Free Speech [article] | 95 Cornell L. Rev. 463 (2010) |
16 | 34 | Samuelson, Pamela | Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace [article] | 94 Minn. L. Rev. 1308 (2010) |
17 | 33 | Van Houweling, Molly Shaffer | Author Autonomy and Atomism in Copyright Law [article] | 96 Va. L. Rev. 549 (2010) |
18 | 32 | Fagundes, David | Property Rhetoric and the Public Domain [article] | 94 Minn. L. Rev. 652 (2010) |
19 | 31 | Carver, Brian W. | Why License Agreements Do Not Control Copy Ownership: First Sales and Essential Copies [article] | 25 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1887 (2010) |
20 | 29 | Lee, Edward | Technological Fair Use [article] | 83 S. Cal. L. Rev. 797 (2010) |
20 | 29 | Carrier, Michael A. | Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story [article] | 2012 Wis. L. Rev. 891 (2012) |
20 | 29 | Ginsburg, Jane C. | U.S. Experience with Mandatory Copyright Formalities: A Love/Hate Relationship, The [article] | 33 Colum. J.L. & Arts 311 (2010) |
Patent (2005-2009)
Patent (2010-2014)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 106 | Sichelman, Ted | Commercializing Patents [article] | 62 Stan. L. Rev. 341 (2010) |
2 | 96 | Lemley, Mark A.; Risch, Michael; Sichelman, Ted; Wagner, R. Polk | Life after Bilski [article] | 63 Stan. L. Rev. 1315 (2011) |
3 | 90 | Chien, Collen V.; Lemley, Mark A. | Patent Holdup, the ITC, and the Public Interest [article] | 98 Cornell L. Rev. 1 (2012) |
4 | 86 | Chien, Colleen V. | From Arms Race to Marketplace: The Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System [article] | 62 Hastings L.J. 297 (2010) |
5 | 75 | Lemley, Mark A. | Myth of the Sole Inventor, The [article] | 110 Mich. L. Rev. 709 (2012) |
6 | 74 | Allison, John R.; Lemley, Mark A.; Walker, Joshua | Patent Quality and Settlement among Repeat Patent Litigants [article] | 99 Geo. L.J. 677 (2011) |
8 | 71 | Golden, John M. | Principles for Patent Remedies [article] | 88 Tex. L. Rev. 505 (2010) |
8 | 69 | Lee, Peter | Patent Law and the Two Cultures [article] | 120 Yale L. J. 2 (2010) |
9 | 66 | Abramowicz, Michael; Duffy, John F. | Inducement Standard of Patentability, The [article] | 120 Yale L. J. 1590 (2011) |
10 | 64 | Lemley, Mark A.; Melamed, Douglas A. | Missing the Forest for the Trolls [article] | 113 Colum. L. Rev. 2117 (2013) |
11 | 61 | Risch, Michael | Patent Troll Myths [article] | 42 Seton Hall L. Rev. 457 (2012) |
12 | 57 | Nard, Craig Allen | Legal Forms and the Common Law of Patents [article] | 90 B.U. L. Rev. 51 (2010) |
13 | 55 | Gergen, Mark P.; Golden, John M.; Smith, Henry E | Supreme Court's Accidental Revolution - The Test for Permanent Injunctions, The [article] | 112 Colum. L. Rev. 203 (2012) |
14 | 54 | Bessen, James; Meurer, Michael J. | Direct Costs from NPE Disputes, The [comments] | 99 Cornell L. Rev. 387 (2014) |
15 | 52 | Feldman, Robin; Ewing, Tom | Giants
among Us, The [article] |
2012 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2012) |
16 | 49 | Menell, Peter S. | Forty Years of Wondering in the Wilderness and No Closer to the Promised Land: Bilski's Superficial Textualism and the Missed Opportunity to Return Patent Law to Its Technology Mooring [article] | 63 Stan. L. Rev. 1289 (2011) |
17 | 48 | Shrestha, Sannu | Trolls or Market-Makers - An Empirical Analysis of Nonpracticing Entities [notes] | 110 Colum. L. Rev. 114 (2010) |
18 | 44 | Durie, Daralyn J.; Lemley, Mark A. | Structured Approach to Calculating Reasonable Royalties, A [article] | 14 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 627 (2010) |
19 | 43 | Fromer, Jeanne C. | Patentography [article] | 85 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1444 (2010) |
20 | 40 | Seymore, Sean B. | Teaching Function of Patents, The [article] | 85 Notre Dame L. Rev. 621 (2010) |
20 | 40 | Gugliuzza, Paul R. | Rethinking Federal Circuit Jurisdiction [article] | 100 Geo. L.J. 1437 (2012) |
Trademark (2005-2009)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 162 | McKenna, Mark P. | Normative Foundations of Trademark Law, The [article] | 82 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1839 (2007) |
2 | 130 | Beebe, Barton | Empirical Study of the Multifactor Tests for Trademark Infringement, An [article] | 94 Cal. L. Rev. 1581 (2006) |
3 | 115 | Dogan, Stacey L.; Lemley, Mark A. | Merchandising Right: Fragile Theory or Fait Accompli, The [article] | 54 Emory L.J. 461 (2005) |
4 | 110 | Goldman, Eric | Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law [article] | 54 Emory L.J. 507 (2005) |
5 | 106 | Bone, Robert G. | Hunting Goodwill: A History of the Concept of Goodwill in Trademark Law [article] | 86 B.U. L. Rev. 547 (2006) |
6 | 104 | Tushnet, Rebecca | Gone in Sixty Milliseconds: Trademark Law and Cognitive Science [article] | 86 Tex. L. Rev. 507 (2008) |
7 | 94 | Dogan, Stacey L.; Lemley, Mark A. | What the Right of Publicity Can Learn from Trademark Law [article] | 58 Stan. L. Rev. 1161 (2006) |
8 | 92 | Dinwoodie, Graeme B.; Janis, Mark D. | Confusion over Use: Contextualism in Trademark Law [article] | 92 Iowa L. Rev. 1597 (2007) |
9 | 88 | Rothman, Jennifer E. | Initial Interest Confusion: Standing at the Crossroads of Trademark Law [article] | 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 105 (2005) |
10 | 84 | Dogan, Stacey L.; Lemley, Mark A. | Grounding Trademark Law through Trademark Use [article] | 92 Iowa L. Rev. 1669 (2007) |
11 | 73 | Long, Clarisa | Dilution [article] | 106 Colum. L. Rev. 1029 (2006) |
12 | 81 | McGeveran, William | Rethinking Trademark Fair Use [article] | 94 Iowa L. Rev. 49 (2008) |
13 | 72 | Barrett, Margreth | Internet Trademark Suits and the Demise of Trademark Use [article] | 39 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 371 (2006) |
14 | 58 | Beebe, Barton | Search and Persuasion in Trademark Law [comments] | 103 Mich. L. Rev. 2020 (2005) |
15 | 52 | Desai, Deven R.; Rierson, Sandra L. | Confronting the Genericism Conundrum [article] | 28 Cardozo L. Rev. 1789 (2007) |
16 | 51 | Beebe, Barton | Defense of the New Federal Trademark Antidilution Law, A [comments] | 16 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 1143 (2006) |
17 | 47 | Ramsey, Lisa P. | Increasing First Amendment Scrutiny of Trademark Law [article] | 61 S.M.U. L. Rev. 381 (2008) |
18 | 46 | Heymann, Laura A. | Birth of the Authornym: Authorship, Pseudonymity, and Trademark Law, The [article] | 80 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1377 (2005) |
19 | 44 | Port, Kenneth L. | Trademark Extortion: The End of Trademark Law [article] | 65 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 585 (2008) |
20 | 43 | Fagundes, David | Crystals in the Public Domain [article] | 50 B.C. L. Rev. 139 (2009) |
Trademark (2010-2014)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 76 | Lemley, Mark A.; McKenna, Mark | Irrelevant Confusion [article] | 62 Stan. L. Rev. 413 (2010) |
2 | 72 | Beebe, Barton | Intellectual Property Law and the Sumptuary Code [article] | 123 Harv. L. Rev. 809 (2010) |
3 | 48 | Lemley, Mark A.; McKenna, Mark | Owning Mark(et)s [article] | 109 Mich. L. Rev. 137 (2010) |
4 | 43 | Grinvald, Leah Chan | Shaming Trademark Bullies [article] | 2011 Wis. L. Rev. 625 (2011) |
5 | 33 | Tushnet, Rebecca | Running the Gamut from A to B: Federal Trademark and False Advertising Law [article] | 159 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1305 (2011) |
6 | 29 | McKenna, Mark P. | Consumer Decision-Making Theory of Trademark Law, A [article] | 98 Va. L. Rev. 67 (2012) |
7 | 28 | McKenna, Mark P. | (Dys)Functionality [article] | 48 Hous. L. Rev. 823 (2011) |
7 | 28 | Gerhardt, Deborah R. | Consumer Investment in Trademarks [article] | 88 N.C. L. Rev. 427 (2010) |
9 | 26 | Desai, Deven R. | From Trademarks to Brands [article] | 64 Fla. L. Rev. 981 (2012) |
9 | 26 | Desai, Deven R.; Waller, Spencer | Brands, Competition, and the Law [article] | 2010 BYU L. Rev. 1425 (2010) |
9 | 26 | Katyal, Sonia K. | Trademark Intersectionality [article] | 57 UCLA L. Rev. 1601 (2010) |
9 | 26 | Lemley, Mark A.; McKenna, Mark | Is Pepsi Really a Substitute for Coke - Market Definition in Antitrust and IP [article] | 100 Geo. L.J. 2055 (2012) |
Trade Secret (2005-2009)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 78 | Lemley, Mark A. | Surprising Virtues of Treating Trade Secrets as IP Rights, The [article] | 61 Stan. L. Rev. 311 (2008) |
2 | 40 | Risch, Michael | Why Do We Have Trade Secrets [article] | 11 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 1 (2007) |
2 | 36 | Levine, David S. | Secrecy and Unaccountability: Trade Secrets in Our Public Infrastructure [article] | 59 Fla. L. Rev. 135 (2007) |
4 | 29 | Samuelson, Pamela | Principles for Resolving Conflicts between Trade Secrets and the First Amendment [article] | 58 Hastings L.J. 777 (2006) |
5 | 26 | Rustad, Michael L. | Negligent Enablement of Trade Secret Misappropriation, The [comments] | 22 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 455 (2005) |
International IP (2005-2009)
Rank | Cites | Author(s) | Title | Journal |
1 | 113 | Sunder, Madhavi | IP3 [article] | 59 Stan. L. Rev. 257 (2006) |
2 | 93 | Kapczynski, Amy | Access to Knowledge Mobilization and the New Politics of Intellectual Property, The [article] | 117 Yale L.J. 804 (2008) |
3 | 90 | Chon, Margaret | Intellectual Property and the Development Divide [article] | 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 2821 (2006) |
4 | 71 | Kapczynski, Amy | Addressing Global Health Inequalities: An open Licensing approach for University Innovations [article] | 20 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1031 (2005) |
I first performed a search in HeinOnline to retrieve all law journal articles published since 2005, ordered by citation count. (At my request, HeinOnline corrected a number of errors in order to return all such articles and report accurate citation counts. For this reason, several articles appear on this year’s lists that should have been on last year’s lists. I believe HeinOnline has corrected all material errors now, but if you believe an article should be on this list and is not, please email me at tsichelman@sandiego.edu.)
Then, I reviewed the title of the 1500 most-cited law review articles and the content of those articles that could plausibly be classified in the area of intellectual property law. I also reviewed all articles with at least 25 citations containing one or more of the following terms anywhere in the text: “intellectual property,” “copyright,” “copyrights,” “patent,” “patents,” “trademark,” “trademarks,” “trade secret,” and “trade secrets.” I excluded articles primarily in cyberlaw, privacy, media law, antitrust, communications law, and other tangentially related subjects. Of course, some of these determinations required judgment, but no more than a few of the articles were close calls in my view.
For the separate periods 2005-2009 and 2010-2014 (there were no articles published in 2015 or 2016 that would have made any of the lists), I constructed tables of the top 25 most-cited articles in IP, and up to the top 20 most-cited articles in the sub-fields (some sub-fields had fewer than 20 articles with at least 25 citations). However, I only included the top 5 most-cited articles in international IP, although I will expand this list next year. Moreover, there were no trade secret articles with more than 25 citations published since 2010, and there was only one international IP article with more than 25 citations, so I did not include these sub-fields for 2010-2014.
Note that the citation counts only reflect citations to published law review articles, and not books, cases, practitioner materials, unpublished articles, non-law articles, and other sources. As a check, I ran about ten articles through Lexis and generally found the citation counts on HeinOnline were within 15% of article-specific citation counts tabulated in Lexis’s “Law Review and Journals” category, so it does not appear that the rankings would change much using Lexis or similar databases. Last, I only report total citations, which biases the rankings towards older articles. However, I will continue to update this list annually, so more recent articles that are highly cited will appear in later iterations. Again, if you believe an article should be included, please let me know (tsichelman@sandiego.edu), and I’ll do my best to promptly make any deserving corrections.