- ⌘ + option + F – insert a footnote
- ⌘ + 1 – insert a cross-reference (as in "See supra note 37 and accompanying text.")
- ⌘ + K – toggle small caps on and off
- option + 6 – insert a section symbol (§)
- option + 7 – insert a paragraph symbol (¶)
- option + shift + space – insert a non-breaking space (e.g., if you don't want the section symbol and number to get split across lines in "§ 3")
- unicode hex input: option + 200B – insert a zero-width space (e.g., if you want to break a URL across lines but don't want there to be a space when it gets reformatted; to enable unicode input, go to System Preferences → Language & Text → Input Sources → check Unicode Hex Input, then you can toggle between U.S. and Unicode keyboards using the flag in the upper right)
- Keep with next (Format → Paragraph → Line and Page Breaks → Keep with next) – use to keep section headings from dangling by themselves at the bottom of a page
Are there other shortcuts or tips you've found handy? Share them in the comments!
P.S. Happy π day! For a π-related IP case, see this post from Eric Goldman. To make a "π" on a Mac, use option + p.
P.S. Happy π day! For a π-related IP case, see this post from Eric Goldman. To make a "π" on a Mac, use option + p.