@lsolum Paul presented an earlier version of this at the Jr Fed Cts Workshop, and it was one of my favorite papers there.
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) December 19, 2014
Bernard Chao & Jonathan Gray on how Monsanto won $1B patent jury verdict against DuPont despite no actual lost sales http://t.co/H4m2MxELae
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) December 15, 2014
Norman Siebrasse & @ThomasCotter1 provide new framework for calculating royalties in patent litigation http://t.co/SBjqc1lAhI
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) December 14, 2014
Paul Gugliuzza: legislative patent reform unnecessary due to more nuanced & sensible changes from Judicial Conference http://t.co/Bhpo9PhqbJ
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) December 12, 2014
The U.S. already has commercialization incentives that don't rely on intellectual property: Commercialization Awards http://t.co/dZQthNRHNl
— Camilla Hrdy (@CamillaHrdy) December 7, 2014
Now on SSRN, most current/comprehensive stats on IPR assembled to date http://t.co/hMOxBXhraj including stats breakdown for NPEs & by tech
— Brian J. Love (@BrianJLove) October 22, 2014
My new study with Allison & Schwartz shows that software and biotech patent lawsuits overwhelmingly lose. http://t.co/3CWWZtmf2i
— Mark Lemley (@marklemley) October 14, 2014
New on SSRN: Rochelle Dreyfuss & Susy Frankel on how int'l law is reconceptualizing IP http://t.co/i1mcRUGVDB
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) October 2, 2014
Hovenkamp on why pay-for-delay & other conduct not explicitly authorized by Patent Act should be judged by antitrust http://t.co/XkFoifPug2
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) September 25, 2014
Jonas Anderson on how courts compete for patent cases, and what to do about it: http://t.co/qqhs8WktoR (forthcoming @PennLawReview)
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) September 24, 2014
Dan Burk argues that Europe and North America are converging in approach to software & biotech patenting http://t.co/JcpgbvRptX
— Lisa L. Ouellette (@PatentScholar) September 23, 2014
My new piece on incentives and IP for black-box personalized medicine is up! Still working; comments welcome. http://t.co/hFq2yhqus7
— Nicholson Price (@WNicholsonPrice) September 23, 2014